Friday, 16 May 2014

Where Have I Been?

Hello everyone!!

It's been over a month since my last post and I'm rather sorry that I have been absent. I have been super busy with exams and because its my last year at school I've been revising like crazy. I still have one more exam to go next Wednesday and then on Friday I'm off to NYC so expect lots of posts about my trip. I just wanted to pop on and apologize for not posting but those of yous in the same shoes as me will understand exam time gets a little hectic. The picture above describes pretty much how I have been feeling. I honestly hate the person who decided it was a great idea to invent such things as exams. Good luck anyone else sitting exams and I'm sure you will do the best you can!! I probably still won't be back into the swing of blogging again until I'm back from New York.

Thanks for reading & I hope you understand my reasons for being absent.


(picture from google)