Saturday, 6 December 2014

Fifteen Festive Favourites

Hello everyone!!

I seen the lovely Jenna from chicgeekdiary  do a post called Fifteen Festive Favourites and decided that I would do it as well. Here are my fifteen! 

01. Favourite Festive Food

I love mince pies, its like an essential when it comes to the Christmas period I stock up on mince pies to last the full month of December, I love them with double cream. My favourite park of Christmas dinner though is the pigs in blankets & the bread sauce, yum!

02. Favourite Reindeer

It’s definitely not Rudolph, I do not see why he gets all the attention. I would probably go with Comet.

03. Favourite Day of Christmas
Christmas Eve!! I enjoy the day a lot more than Christmas itself, I spend it wrapping gifts and baking cookies and watching Christmas movies or singing Christmas songs.

04. Favourite Christmas Song
Oh, it has to be Born on Christmas Day by Brad Paisley. I just love it!! I really like Christmas Lights by Coldplay as well, it’s such a nice little song. 

05. Favourite Present

Last year I received one of the best Christmas presents I have ever received and that was Dolly Parton tickets (she is my idol). My mum told me that she was not able to get me tickets for Glasgow because I was in Belgium when she was here but I asked for tickets anywhere. Then on Christmas last year I was given a massive box wrapped up, upon unwrapping it I was faced with another box then another and another. Once opening them all up I found a CD (that my dad made for me) containing Dolly Parton songs and the ticket confirmation to see her live in Manchester. Them or my DSLR camera (my lil baby)

06. Favourite Festive Film

This is a hard one for me, I love so many. Some of my favourites are The Grinch, Home Alone (1-4) The Santa Clause (1-3), Jingle All the Way, The Nightmare before Christmas, Christmas with the Kranks, Arthur Christmas, Nativity & ELF.

07. Favourite Festive Cracker Toy

I always think cracker toys are a bit rubbish and there is not one that springs to my mind that I have got and loved. I always seem to be the one that gets a bottle opener or something silly like that.

08. Favourite Cracker Joke
I must admit that I just googled this because I couldn't remember any Christmas related jokes but I found a good one;

What does Miley Cyrus have at Christmas?
09. Favourite Christmas Decoration
I love Christmas nutcracker (soldiers). I just think they are lovely decorations and always seem to buy one during the Christmas season. I have found a new love for weird decorations such as animals in tutus, I think they are hilarious and even though they are a little bit stupid, I love them.

10. Favourite Christmas Candle Scent
I’m one for sweet scents such as Christmas cookies or something similar. I also have a love for all things Cinnamon scented or spiced apple flavours. One of my favourite to burn during the run up to Christmas is Yankee candle’s salted caramel, it is for sure one of my favourite scents ever!!!

11. Favourite Christmas TV Advert
The new Sainsbury’s advert has now become a firm favourite of mine. Every year everyone writes about how it’s not Christmas until you have seen the Coca Cola advert but not for me. I love the Irn Bru Christmas advert with the snowman, they fly over Glasgow and it really gets me into the Christmas spirit.

12. Favourite Festive Tradition
I started a new tradition of my own last year that every Christmas eve I would bake something and I cannot wait to do it again this year. Ever since I was a kid it was always a tradition to go to George Square to see the Christmas lights & the nativity, as I have gotten older I still keep this tradition up but also take a trip to the ice skating. Its also tradition to go to my Gran’s for Christmas dinner, a tradition I will never get tired of.

13. Favourite Place to Spend Christmas

I have never spent Christmas away from home so I guess home would be my favourite place to spend Christmas. I would one-year love to go away somewhere, having only experienced Disney World in the summer I imagine going for Christmas would be amazing. 

14. Favourite Christmas Fact

Another one I'm having to google because I wanted to find one that I didn't even know myself. (This is not a favourite fact it’s just random)

The Germans made the first artificial Christmas trees out of dyed goose feathers

15. Favourite Snowman Accessory

does his carrot nose count? It would not be a snowman without one.

There you go my Fifteen Festive favourites. It is a little different from doing the same boring old Christmas tag every year because my answers do not tend to change that much from year to year.

Thank you so much for reading as I had a lot of fun doing this & I hope you do it as well!!


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